Atuls Art Gallery

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'Atuls Art' Category

The Patriot Painting

Posted by atulsharma on 15th August 2007

Drawing Art
The Patriot Painting
The Patriot

15th August, 2007 It’s our Independence Day. The independence which is for everyone irrespective of their Cast, Color and Creed. We have always lived by setting examples, just turn few pages of our history and you will find the July 26, 1999 a day when the determined Indian forces in Kargil achieved a glorious victory over the retreading Pakistan army and we are the same nation which showed the world that Independence can be achieved by following footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi, – ” Satyagrah and Ahinsa “.

We are living in the 60th year of our glorious independence. Although we may be counted as young country in terms of years of independence however we have grown a lot as a nation. We planned Economic development – Eight Five Year Plans implemented, 9th under implementation. 10th most industrialized country in the world. 6th nation to achieve Nuclear Power. Kaleidoscope of cultural heritage. Over 1700 languages and dialects – common historical experience – Unity in Diversity.

So on this auspicious day lets Salute to all those who fought for our freedom and lets roar as one Nation.

Sketch Details :

Title      :   The Patriot
Date      :   April, 2000
Artist    :   Atul Sharma
Material Used  :  Gel Pen, Sketch Pen, Ball-Point Pen, Ink Pen, Water Colors, HB Pencil, Drawing Paper.

Art Category: Atuls Art, Colored Drawings, Greeting Cards | 4 Comments »

Girl Portrait

Posted by atulsharma on 8th August 2007

Pencil Portrait Of A Girl From A Photograph
Girl Portrait

Photo to Sketch

This is a wonderful example of Atul’s ability to capture the essence of someone in a portrait. Portraits can be a tricky thing because you really need to be careful not to change the look of somebody or to create a different sense of their character. A portrait is something that, once done, will be kept for a long time and admired regularly.

One of the skills of an artist is trying to bring the picture to life. You want to be able to look at it and see within it the person you know and love. You want to be able to look into their eyes and see the person you recognise and that is exactly what Atul manages to do, time and time again.

Original Photograph

Sketch Details :

Title      :   Girl Portrait
Date      :   2005
Artist    :   Atul Sharma
Material Used  : Black color pencil,  8B, HB, 2H and 6H Pencils, Drawing Paper.

Art Category: Atuls Art, Black and White, Female Sketches | 27 Comments »